Sunday, January 20, 2008

Manhattan Special

Once again I did the Two Bridges run. While last week I focused my run in pictures around the Brooklyn Bridge, today I decided to pay more attention to the Manhattan Bridge. First up, is a picture of me climbing the north side of the bridge. The picture can’t show it, but the Manhattan Bridge is pretty noisy. There are trains constantly crossing it and it can get really loud.

About a third of the way up the span, you get a great view of the Williamsburg Bridge. I'll be running on that bridge soon enough as my runs get longer.

I continued off the Manhattan Bridge and was greeted with the delicious smells emanating out of all the kitchens preparing the days lunches and dinners. I was tempted to stop at this particular restaurant serving Peking Duck - Yummy!

I then ran down to the water and snapped this great shot of the Manhattan Bridge. I am very happy with how it came out on my camera phone.

After that it was back to Brooklyn by way of the first bridge to span the East River.

Where I finish my run in my usual stomping ground Prospect Park. I am pretty sure the Peking Ducks from my previous picture are related to the ducks you see here swimming on the lake.


scarinzic said...

hey beast - could have sworn i posted a comment this morning. anyway, great recap of your two bridges run... i love the photos - you inspired me to bring along my iphone on this morning's run around roosevelt island.