Tuesday, January 22, 2008

I’m Basically Lazy

Despite the fact that I work out as much as I can, I think of myself as a lazy person. I don’t do things I should do or maybe I just procrastinate a very long time. It has been my philosophy that if you wait long enough, the things you are supposed to do that don’t get done will eventually not matter anymore anyway. If that’s the case, why waste your time on things that don’t need a good getting done? Well, that’s not really true. Many things matter, the key is just deciding on what those things really are.

This morning I considered myself to be very lazy. I woke up around 2am with a headache, took a couple of Excedrin and then couldn’t fall back to sleep. I chatted online for a while and debated going out for a run right then and there. I even went so far as to getting dressed; two layers of tights, several winter running shirts and socks. I debated whether or not I should go out then or go back to bed. I eventually decided to be lazy and went back to sleep. I would have been much better off going out for the run.

When I went back to bed, I slept with all the slumber of a soldier catching some z’s on the battlefield. Basically, I didn’t sleep at all. I just lay in bed until 5am when I finally had enough and went outside. At least I was already dressed for the run. I went out with the intention of running 8 miles, but bumped into a friend just as I was coming onto my 7th mile. I decided to hang with him for a while, as I hadn’t seen him in quite some time and wound up doing 10 miles. That’s when I got lazy again – around my 10th mile…

As I exited the park I was coming onto 9.5 miles and I couldn’t leave it at that. I needed to round off the number at 10. However, I also needed to go to the store to pick up some soy milk and I didn’t want to finish the 10 and then have to walk back to the store. So rather than walking back there, I just bought a half gallon of milk and ran with it like a football for the last half mile, timing the ending to be right at my doorstep. It was better to carry it, than have to walk around the corner after I finished running.

So anyway after I walked in the door and refueled, the only thing in the world I wanted to do was to go back to sleep. Had I not been lazy and went at 2am, I would have been back in plenty of time to get a few more hours of sleep; sleep that would have been a lot more sound than the 3 hours I managed to get between 2-5am. I won’t make that mistake again. Next time I wake up and feel like running, I am going to go.


Anonymous said...

I hear ya! Nothing like a 10 mile run at five in the morning to make you feel like a lazy bum. Can't wait to read your post on being an underachiever. :)

Karen Bodkin said...

Ha ha ha @ foul bastard!

I didn't go for a run this morning, nor did I pick up milk.

I don't think you are lazy - I think you are proficient with your time. :)